My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

14 April 2008

Napoli (Naples)

While staying in Paestum, we took day trips to the surrounding cities, today was Naples! (Napoli in Italian)

Citrus friuts are sold rampant in the area. Also, the lemons are gigantic, those huge yellow things mixed in with the oranges are lemons, not melons. Can you believe it?

We went to Alex Valentino's architecture studio space in Naples. There is amazing artwork covering the walls, since the studio space is shared by all kinds of artists and people working in different medias. Alex lead us on a tour of the city through back alleys in a derive type manner. I will show you broken bits and pieces of the tour because a 50 photo post might nore you after a while.

An amazingly taken care of tilework in the church S. M. Donna Regina Nuova

A picture in the Modern Art Museum, MADRE, of a cool piece in the courtyard. No pictures were allowed here, or else I would have taken a lot more, but I snuck this one...oops!

The coolest pasta shops I have seen in Italy, thus far.

Waiting for the Metro in Napoli. The stations we were at had a lot of interesting modern artwork.

The Castle Sant'Elmo, built in 1343, is still is good condition for its age. The stones that made the hallways were huge! I could never wear heels in this castle, back in the day...

View from the top of Sant'Elmo, here is Naples, the Bay, and THE Mt. Vesuvius (that destroyed Pompeii)

We can never say no to an O-H-I-O moment.

We were hot and tired from walking for so many hours. So most of us stopped for Gelato.

Long street heading out to the sea in Naples. Life here ain't nuttin like the U.S. of A.

Bay in Napoli, complete with castle and white rock beach.

A view from the top of Sant'Elmo. Here you can see all of Naples and surrounding cities, the sea, Mt. Vesuvius, etc.

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