My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

20 March 2008

The Steps of Paris

Hey, I haven't posted in a few days, my internet connections hae been few and far between. We left Paris on Easter sunday, went to Rome, and now we are in Ascoli Piceno for the first night. Our hotel is beautiful! But more to come on that later. For now, I'm going to try and catch up a little with our Paris adventures. Here is day 3 (March 20th), the day we climbed the the steps of Paris (to the top of both Notre Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower):

Notre Dame cathedral

Notre Dame side aisles, amazing!

O-H-I-O! Go Bucks!

I'm a gargoyle!

A Gargoyle's view of the city

This is the Notre Dame bell that Quasimodo rang (the Hunchback)

Brandi, Kendrae and I on top of Notre Dame

At a kids park right outisde of the cathedral...haha

I got to play on the squirrel!

An accordian player onthe Siene bridge (I'd thought you'd appreciate this, mom)

Ecole Militarie (The Military School) at the end of the Eiffel Tower lawn

The "Peace" pavilion on the Eiffel lawn

O-H-I-O again! Go Bucks!

Eiffel Tower on a cloudy/windy/rainy day (but we climbed to the top anyway)

At the bottom of the steps of the Eiffel Tower, about to start our long journey

Halfway yet? probably not.

At the first landing, there were some cool exhibits, here they show some hydraulics used for their elevators.

View from the second landing up

View from the top!

Then when we made it back down (exhausted) we went to our local Brasserie to get some baguettes...and sword fight with them.

I have some cool videos from this day as well, but I'm having trouble uploading them, that will have to be done later as well.

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