My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

19 March 2008

Paris With Friends

After a day alone, my amigos finally jumped the pond, these were our adventures:
Brandi and Kendrae finally found the hostel, and we immediately got to roaming the city.

While on our way to Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart), we found this charming little gothic church, Saint Laurent, and stopped in. Since it was Brandi's birthday, we stopped at Gare de l'Est train station en route to get her a glass of wine, and some baguette sandwiches.

Waiting for the RER B at Gare de l'Est

We found the way to Sacre Coeur by asking about 10 Parisians directions. Parlez vous Anglis? (Do you speak English?) I know this phrase well be now. This is the view from half way up the hike, Sacre Coeur is at the highest point in Paris.

Sacre Coeur

On the way back down, in our very long search for the Moulin Rouge, we passed by this tiny square of artists just painting and sketching in the street. Way cool.

And in this little square, we happened upon our first European Gelato Shop!

...and it was delicious.

Fuel Efficient? I think so.

Next, we went to Pigalle (Pig Ally), and saw the Moulin Rouge! We couldn't go inside, it was WAY too expensive for a show. Anyway, Pigalle is where all of the sex shops and strippers of Paris started, and the rest of my pics may not be blog appropriate. haha.

Eiffel tower at night, we decided to climb it the next day (today...more to come on that later)

O-H-I-O! Go Bucks!

For your viewing pleasure, a video!

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