My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

28 March 2008

Saturday in the City (AP)

Not too exciting of a day, but I took some more photos of the city...
This is part of the 20 minute walk to the new part of the city (instead of the historic center), the walk from our hotel is downhill all the way into the city, and uphill all the way back.

A fountain in a piazza on the edge of the historic center. This is the Roman interpretation of a "sea horse" or so we think.

A beautiful garden that Lindsey and I stopped by to sketch yesterday. While we were sitting on the ground sketching people were walking in and out of this courtyard, and some were watching us draw, it was fun. By the way, I look super out of place here with my red hair.

The hike back up to our hotel, not as fun as the walk down.

Lindsey playing Vanna White, presenting Hotel Pennile as the Wheel of Fortune grand prize vacation spot!

That night, our usual spot for dinner was booked, so we headed out into the city for a nice meal. Delicios0! By the way, we've had 9 hours of Italian class so far, and I still can't make a complete sentence, but I'm working on it.

So, if you leave comments on the end of the blog, I do receive them and appreciate the feedback! Thanks!

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