My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

26 March 2008

Exploring Ascoli Piceno

The next day, we explored, as a giant group, to get a sense of the city. Ascoli Piceno is a very hilly town, with a new part and an old part. The new part is good for food shopping (the Euro Spin), getting money at a bank, and for various shops and pizzerias. The old part is up in the hills and has churches, piazzas, very good caffes and restaurants, and the school of architecture, which happens to be an old convent.

Hanging out/exploring Piazza del Popolo for the first time.

Lindsey and I stop for usual. This is the first one we got in Ascoli Piceno, mine was Pistaccio and Fragole (strawberry)

The school of architecture in Ascoli, like I said, was a former convent. There is a chapel inside the school, so their idea of separation of church and state is a little different than our own.

After we hiked the hill to get to school, this is the view of the city.

Another view of the city from the school


Nam Prik said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you much for the pictures and the info. We feel as if we are there with you. But, we are in the Portland, OR area for a few months. Trying to decide if we will settle down here or continue to travel.
We are feeling well and Abby is great. Gets her walks/runs in twice a day.

It has been cold..44 high the past week and rainy. We get wet but still don't melt.

Stay well, enjoy the trip and keep writing.

Aunt Randi & Uncle Duke & Abby