My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

22 March 2008

Cramming Paris into one last day

Hello to all, here is our last official day in Paris, so we tried to hit all the spots we missed previously. There were a lot of church visits on this day as well, but once you've seen one basillica, esp. Notre Dame, they seem to get repetitive, so I'm not going to post all of those pictures. After seeing so many historical sites in Paris, we did some modern sight seeing, because we try to be well-rounded people.
The Pompedeiu, essentially a building turned inside out. So, all of the piping, plumbing, escalators and elevators are on the outside.

Going up the escalators of Pompedeiu

A room/cave thing that was very interesting

I'm not sure how to describe this piece...wicked sweet maybe?

Cool wall thing...very modern.

Giant red rhino in the Pompedieu

Le Mime! This is the one thing I wanted to see before leaving Paris, and we just so ran into one!

The Picasso Museum! Very fun for us modern art lovers.

So, when you say you want an ice cream sandwich in Paris, you might get this.

A really cool (architecturally) mall in Paris that we happened upon

Street Musicians in cool outfits

Public Toilets, very urban

The Paris Opera

View of the Seine from a bridge near the Opera, beautiful!

A bunch of hipster/emo teens were hanging outside on the Opera steps smoking, and this one had a pink cigarette...too cool for school.

Waiting for our Metro at Bastille

One last stop to Arch de Triomphe during the day, Kendrae and Brandi hadn't seen it yet, I saw it on the first night before they arrived.

View of the city from the top of Arch de Triomphe.

On our Metro ride back to our shady hotel, there was a jar of green olives sitting on the ledge...awkward!

Then, we headed back to our Hotel for one last night, before heading off to Roma. That's it for our adventures in Paris, coming soon to a computer near you...ROMA!

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