My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

04 May 2008

Sunday Number 3 in Rome

After Split, I just needed a rest day, so here it was. First, we went down to the market, and took a strange turn somewhere and found a part that we had never seen before. It seemed to go on forever. We also found some really cheap sunglasses, and since mine are pretty worn, I got some more.
This is the market in the midst of shutting down for the day.

Our petunia plant that Lindsey and I bought the first week we went to market.

Lindsey's friend Brittany was in Rome for the week, her study abroad in Luxembourg just ended, so we all went down to market together before they went off and did their thing.

The other Lyndsey jamming away to music while making panoramas of the city.

Mary bought a Croatia flag while we were in Split, so Lindsey helped her put it up on Mary's bedroom wall.


Then, later, while Lindsey was out with Brittany, Lyndsey, Mary and I decided to watch a scary movie before going to bed. Bad idea. It was "The Descent" which I just wasn't prepared for. I'm OK with scary movies, but this was bloody/gory/scary, and I got pretty spooked. But, nothing attacked me during the night, so all is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! I watched The Decent with Joston the summer it came out. We were both like gripping each other's arms for deal life and screaming OUT LOUD in the theatre. It was intense. lol! : )