My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

05 May 2008

Cinque Maggio

Happy Cinco de Mayo (Cinque Maggio)! Too bad nobody over in Italy knows what that is. Its ok, I'll forgive them.
Anyway, so today we got up bright an early to get to studio by 9:30 for a work day, and to discuss in groups our mapping of the Roman Aqueducts. It was a fairly long day, I worked on my travel log for a bit, and our group came up with a mapping strategy we hope will work.
After studio, I went grocery shopping, as I do almost everyday, to get some more fruits/veges/bread. There are 2 grocery stores on our block, one we call "the green one" because the sign is green, and the other we call "the bum one" because about 20 bums and their dogs all sleep and live down by the store. The food in Italy is much healthier than the food in the US to this respect: they don't use hormones, or growth supplements in their produce, or fed to livestock, so things are just more, natural. The way they should be. Things are also a lot fresher here, and grated cheese is rare. I have grown accustomed to grating my own cheese onto my salads and pastas, and it is actually amazingly better. I do however miss cheddar cheese. They don't have "yellow" cheese here, only white. I'll live.
Then for dinner, Lewis, Joe, and Kevin (Lewis' friend who was in town), came over to our apartment for dinner. Afterwards we split up: some people went out, a few were watching movies, and I was working on stuff for school, and then passed out.

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