My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

12 May 2008

Just Another Manic Monday


6:00 wake up
6:10 shower
6:30 dressed and eating breakfast
7:00 packing up my things for school
7:45 arrive at school
8:00 print some of my work to be put up on the wall for the director of Knowlton (OSU Architecture school) so she can look at some of the work we have been doing through this quarter during her visit to Rome.
8:30 continue working on Architecture: independent study project, travel log, mapping of the Roman Aqueducts
12:00 go home and rescue Adam from our apartment (he locked himself IN this morning- can anyone say "fire hazard?") and eat lunch
13:00 head back to school
13:30 keep working in our studio space on projects listed above
15:30 head home, go to grocery store
16:00 put food away, get online and check email
17:00 go over to the other 9 person apartment, and meet with group to discuss our aqueduct mapping
19:00 back in my apartment, working on yet more Architecture stuff
19:30 eat dinner
21:00 more architecture
21:30 pass out.

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