My hunt for the best gelato in Europe. On the way there should be interesting people, places, and my studies, of course.

15 May 2008

Italain Arch Presentations, Part Due

Remember way back when at the beginning of Rome, I made a post about going to Roma Tre, the architecture school, and listening to their grad student presentations? No, didn't think so, but anyway... We went back to show them our interpretations of the same project. There wasn't a lot of time to give the presentations, so Lisa and Beatrice had to choose only a couple projects to present, and our was one of them. So we presented. However, right before we were supposed to present, we found out that nobody at the school had a computer that ran powerpoint 2007, so we had to mad dash our way back to our apartments, and borrow someone's computer who had it...stressful! But in the end, everything was ok.

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